Lion babe begin
Lion babe begin

Goodman: We worked with Andrew Wyatt who has a band called Miike Snow. Pharrell produced "Wonder Woman" but who are some of the other producers that you've been working with? How do you collaborate with them because you have such a heavy role in terms of creating the instrumentals for the album? It's kind of like, you just gotta keep experimenting and usually the best stuff I feel like comes out when you're not really trying to do anything-you're just kind of like try to not think so much and just feel it out. Jill might be like, "Oh, it would be cool if we do something with a sound like this," or she starts singing and I'm like, "Oh, yo keep singing that, I'll just make something under it." But it's usually the ones where I'm like, especially if Jill's chilling there and she's like in the background or she's singing along to one thing or another and I'm like, "Oh, man, that's what she's feeling." Or I'll email something to her like, "Just something I think you'd be into."Īnd there's also other ways. It’s like an “I just made this type of thing” day. So, I'll just make a bunch of stuff and there's tons of music there sitting in my iTunes that isn't even really for Lion Babe. Like, "Oh, it would be so cool if Jill had something similar to go in on."īut a lot of times, I'll just be making tracks and really start to just get inspired by things that make myself feel good in the moment, you know, just making whatever tune at my crib. Goodman: Sometimes, I might hear something and be inspired by it. Lucas, what's the process like when you're finding the perfect beat? Do you two sit down and talk about it first or are the lyrics there? What's the creative process like? You know, we just wanted to have some party vibe too to it that gets you grooving and then still have some of the more low-key veteran type feels to it as well. Definitely with the other parts of the album, we were into doing things like some more up tempo type records.


Goodman: We included all our earliest songs that you start from "Treat Me Like Fire." You might have heard that song before, you might have been into it, but for anyone who this is their first time getting into Lion Babe we really wanted them to know the beginning of where we started the full spectrum of the sound-the beginning. What feelings did you want to bring out on this album? Obviously you might like one tune or not like one tune as much, just trying to experiment you know? With different feelings. We made some music like this to just achieve different feelings and vibes because we just try not get all stuck in one area but, then you just never know. With the newest song, it's got some similarities but, it's definitely quite different from our earlier stuff. But, I got to a point where I really loved to do that and that's definitely one way. You start to push yourself vocally and that's definitely a risk and it definitely felt uncomfortable. For me, I think when I started doing collaborations and stuff, I was thinking differently from when I first started just because I was in Lucas’ little sister's room kind of singing to myself and then you're in the studio with other people around. With music, things that we could have done, not even questioning, just like, "Oh, I've never did something like this" or "I wasn't thinking of doing something like this." It's just kind of pushing yourself. What risks would you say that you've taken?

Lion babe begin